Along came Spatial

experiency studio - spatial

In 2019, immediately after the Marshmellow concert on Fortnite, which gathered more than 10 million users within the event, I asked myself in an article what the new social network would be called, whether Fortbook or Facenight.

At that moment I was clear that the new social media model that would be born would be immersive. Mark Zuckemberg also probably understood this, who two years later announced to the world the most powerful rebranding in the history of rabriding by introducing the Meta brand to cap all companies.

Perhaps his metaverse race had started a few years earlier, but that event led him to push the accelerator on the Horizon World project. A more than ambitious project, not only because it involves the use of meta quests (Oculus), but because it provides for an unlimited number of people to simultaneously explore the worlds that people build within the platform. Easy to say but it's really probable that man will get to Mars first.

Anyone familiar with these issues knows the current limits of cloud streaming, i.e. a maximum of 100 people within the same environment, from the 101st onwards users enter a clone environment and so on by 100 percent. Fortnite itself still works like this today. I won't go into the technical details of why this is so, but try to explain why the Meta project isn't getting off the ground. It would take servers for an area equal to the Atlantic Ocean.

But it is now evident that sociality, whether one likes it or not, also passes through metaverses. The new internet is the internet of space, and so a new social platform is slowly taking hold: Spatial. Thanks to this platform, users have no space available in place of their page, and can fill it as they wish, starting with the architecture. The platform makes standard environments available, but anyone can buy 3D models in various market places to create their own space.

Space that can then be filled with content, to give new experiences to the guests who frequent it. Some brands have begun to peep out, but most of the spaces today are art galleries, studios and nightclubs. YES, clubs are very popular on Spatial, and there's a reason. Inside the environments, people can interact via chat or voice, and can express their mood with emojis and reactions. Many of the reactions are ballets (Fortnite) and for this reason many discos are opening that organize evenings with DJs.

The nice thing about Spatial is its ease of use, you enter with a standard avatar at the start and which can be customized thanks to Ready Player Me, a platform born to create your own digital twins, and which will contribute enormously to interoperability between metaverse. The other nice thing is that people are kind, no one wants likes or seeks likes, everyone just tries to offer pleasant experiences and express themselves through a space, where everything, more or less, is possible.

Between the two litigants the third enjoys, and in the end the new social network is not called Fortbook or Facenight but much more simply Spatial.

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